A place where history happens now

What is the past in the present?

Here at Museum Mimi, I break down big ideas into manageable and fun videos. I analyse media, debunk internet myths and tell the wildest stories, but the question is always the same: how does the past shape the present day?

When I’m not making videos, I’m digging into history at museums and archives. I have written online articles, researched social media posts and designed a museum exhibition. Head to my portfolio to see my latest projects.

Introducing Museum Mimi

For the past couple of weeks, I have been working on a new look for my channel, website and social media. Today it’s all ready for me to reveal Museum Mimi – your one-shop internet stop for content all about history and its place in online culture. I hope you like the new look! When…

100 subscriber party!

Last week, I looked at my channel and realised I had passed my very first milestone: 100 subscribers! That might not seem like very much in the astronomical numbers of the current internet, but it’s still exciting for me. 100 people have not only found my channel, but they’ve decided to give me a chance!…

I’m in a museum exhibition!

Today a super cool email popped into my inbox: the National Video Game Museum’s online exhibition ‘Animal Crossing Diaries’ has launched and it features one of my videos! Just in case you spent all of last year hiding under a rock (I mean, relatable), Animal Crossing: New Horizons was released into a world that had…

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